A downloadable game for Windows

Made for the GameDev.tv 2022 Game Jam, The Infernal March Onward is a tower defense game that you cannot win.  You can only hope to delay the Infernal Forces as the Great Battle is prepared for.

Add up to 2 Virtues to each tower and fight for as long as you can, because every enemy that falls to your attacks will only return them to the beginning of the march onward.

This project uses Godot Game engine v3.4 in mono, and the source code can be found at https://bitbucket.org/elliot1002/gamedev.tv-2022-game-jam/

There are many many...many bugs that were unable to be corrected in the timeframe, so please feel free to leave comments about the ones you find, or about what yopu think can be improved upon.

Currently we are looking at working on (as we can):

  • Improved graphics
  • Correcting path drawing
  • Better theming
  • Potentially compiling for other platforms depending on interest


The Infernal March Onward 66 MB

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